Current News
- February 2025: Arshia Singhal defends her Master thesis successfully.
- October 2024: Adrian Celaya gives a talk at MICCAI 2024. His software MIST is awarded top performer for the BraTS 2024 Challenge.
- October 2024: Arshia Singhal gives a talk and Mani Puram and Pierce Zhang present posters at the SIAM TX LA Conference.
- October 2024: Arshia Singhal, Cito Balsells, Alyssa TaylorLapole give talks and Uzochi Gideon, Mani Puram and Pierce Zhang present posters at the NASC RTG workshop.
- September 2024: Arshia Singhal and Adrian Celaya attend the Heidelberg Laureate Forum.
- September 2024: Cito Balsells gives a talk in the graduate student seminar.
- August 2024: Cito Balsells defends his proposal successfully.
- August 2024: Bilyana Tzolova successfully defends her Ph.D. Congratulations, Dr. Tzolova!
- July 2024: Keegan Kirk organizes a minisymposium at WCCM XVI and gives a talk.
- July 2024: Arshia Singhal presents her research at the SIAM Annual Meeting at the AWM workshop minisymposium. Arshia received an AWM Travel Award to participate in the conference.
- Summer 2024: Jerry Villalobos is doing an internship at Total.
- Summer 2024: George Chumbipuma is doing an internship at MIT Lincoln Laboratory.
- Summer 2024: Adrian Celaya is doing an internship at Google.
- Summer 2024: Arshia Singhal is doing an internship at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
- April 2024: The RTG Ranch Retreat was organized by our graduate students and postdocs.
- March 2024: Adrian Celaya gives at talk at the SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing. He has received a SIAM Travel Award to attend the conference.
- February 2024: Bilyana Tzolova gives a talk in the graduate student seminar.
- January 2024: Adrian Celaya defends his proposal successfully.
- January 2024: Bilyana Tzolova gives at talk at WONAPDE 2024.
- November 2023: Cito Balsells gives a talk in the graduate student seminar.
- November 2023: Adrian Celaya and Bilyana Tzolova give talks at the SIAM TX LA conference. Arshia Singhal and Yimo Wang present their research (posters) at the SIAM TX LA conference.
- November 2023: Cito Balsells is a recipient of the NLM predoc fellowship for a third year in a row.
- October 2023: The first RTG workshop is a success! Keegan Kirk, Adrian Celaya and Bilyana Tzolova give talks; and Arshia Singhal has a research poster.
- September 2023: Bilyana Tzolova defends her proposal successfully.
- August 2023: Our RTG in Numerical Mathematics and Scientific Computing has a successful kick-off/orientation meeting
- July 2023: Arshia Singhal receives travel support to participate in the AMIGAs workshop at IPAM.
- June 2023: Cito Balsells gives a talk at NLM Informatics Training Conference.
- June 2023: Bilyana Tzolova gives a talk at the SIAM Conference on Mathematical and Computational Issues in the Geosciences, in Bergen.
- June 2023: Keegan Kirk gives a talk at the SIAM Conference on Mathematical and Computational Issues in the Geosciences, in Bergen.
- March 2023: Bilyana Tzolova gives a talk at SIAM Computational Science and Engineering in Amsterdam.
- February 2023: Adrian Celaya gives a talk at the Energy HPC conference at Rice.