The software MIST is a simple, fully automated framework for deep learning-based medical image segmentation. MIST stands for Medical Imaging Segmentation Toolkit. The framework can seamlessly ingest various medical imaging data and is easily expandable to test new ideas (i.e., new architectures, loss functions, etc.). MIST is open source, written in Python for PyTorch, and is available on GitHub , PyPI , and DockerHub . The author of MIST is Adrian Celaya..
The software CPHIS is a unified framework for p-multigrid methods and hierarchical scale separation solvers. CPHIS stands for Composable P-HIerarchical Solver. The solver can be used with other computational linear algebra packages like Trilinos. CPHIS is open source, written in C and available on GitHub . The author of CPHIS is Christopher Thiele.
The software LIMITER-DG is a python code for the numerical solution of immiscible two-phase flows in porous media. The interior penalty discontinuous Galerkin method is used with post-processing flux and slope limiters. The code is open source, written in python and available on GitHub . The author of LIMITER-DG is Sarraf Joshaghani.